Connection Settings:
License Key: This key is provided by a member of the Faye team.
License Information: Displays information relating to the License key you currently have listed.
Hubspot API Key: This needs to be provided from the target Hubspot account that will be integrated with SugarCRM. Needed for the integration to connect to and authentication with Hubspot.
SugarCRM Instance URL: The web address of the target SugarCRM instance that will be integrated with Hubspot.
SugarCRM Username: Username of an admin level user in the target SugarCRM
SugarCRM Password: Password of that same admin level user in the target SugarCRM
Synchronization Frequency: Set here the frequency that the Hubspot bridge should attempt to synchronize for changes.
Last Synchronized At: Shows the date and timestamp of the time the Hubspot bridge attempted to run the synchronization.
Synchronization Settings:
Synchronize Accounts: Check this box if you wish to synchronise accounts (companies) between the two systems. Checking this option will provide additional selection choices:
Sync Direction: Choose your sync preference for Accounts/Companies records.
SugarCRM To Hubspot Only
Hubspot To SugarCRM Only
Master System:
Synchronize Leads and Contacts: Check this box if you wish to synchronise Leads and Contacts between the two systems. Checking this option will provide additional selection choices:
Sync Direction: Choose your sync preference for Accounts/Companies records.
SugarCRM To Hubspot Only
Hubspot To SugarCRM Only
Master System:
Sync Hubspot Contacts to Sugar: When hubspot contacts are synced to Sugar the bridge will attempt to match them to existing records in the Leads or Contacts module in Sugar depending on your selection here. If no match is found it will create a record of that type.
Hubspot Contact Lists: Check this if you plan to synchronize Sugar Target lists one way to Hubspot.
User Settings:
User Timezone: Select here your time zone preference for when looking at timestamps int he Hubspot Bridge dashboard and logs.
Note |
Changing Sync Direction: It is recommended that the sync direction for Accounts, Contacts and Leads is not changed after it has been set. This can, in some cases, result in duplicates being created in either system. Changing Sync Hubspot Contacts to Sugar: It is recommended this selection is not changed after it has been set. This can, in some cases, result in duplicates being created in either system. |
Once you are done configuring the settings in the Integrations area remember to click SAVE to apply the changes.
IMPORTANT: Saving the integration settings with the connections and synchronization settings enables will start the sync between the two systems immediately.
Info |
The above assumes you have chosen to sync Contacts Bi-Directionally. |
Field Mapping
The Faye Integration Bridge comes with a number of Predefined field mappings covering the standard fields needed to synchronize the two systems. However you can also configure your own Custom mappings between Sugar and Hubspot objects keeping in sync anything from contacts favorite football teams to Company tier ratings. Custom mappings allow you to build meaningful segments for laser focused marketing and sales efforts.
Predefined Field Mapping
The predefined field mappings cannot be modified, however you can view these to understand better which fields map as standard between Sugar and Hubspot.
Info |
The “sync to” options respect the configuration in the Integrations section of the Hubspot Bridge, i.e. if you choose to sync Contacts one way from Sugar to Hubspot then any change to a Company “name” in Hubspot will not update the corresponding Account record in Sugar even though that field potentially syncs both ways in the field mapping. |
Custom Field Mapping
Custom mappings allow you to synchronise your own data points back and forth between SugarCRM and Hubspot. Once you identify the data point you wish to sync make sure there is a corresponding field on the other system.
Once you are ready to set up your custom mapping click on the + icon to create a custom mapping
Module: Choose the Sugar module containing the field
Field Type: Select the correct type for that field
SugarCRM Field Name: Select the field from the list returned by Sugar.
Hubspot Field Name: Select the property from the list returned by Hubspot.
Sync Direction: Choose if the mapping should changes to Hubspot and/or Sugar.
Sync to SugarCRM
Sync to Hubspot
Once you have made your choices click the CREATE button to add your custom field mapping
Info |
In Integration configurations where you synchronise records bidirectionally (in both directions) you can use the sync direction on the custom field mapping to control at the field level what should happen. |
Pro tips for custom field mapping
The most common reason for errors with the Sugar-Hubspot integration is misaligned custom field mappings. The Hubspot Bridge will alert users of errors and provides logs to identify and correct such issues easily but the understanding the rules below is the key to avoiding such problems in the first place.
Field types should match in Sugar and Hubspot: When setting up a custom mapping the following statements should almost always be true:
The field exists in both SugarCRM and Hubspot
The field is of the same type in both systems
If however the field types differ between Sugar and Hubspot you may run into issues. As an example let's say you plan to sync the “Number of Employees” field bidirectionally, you have the following fields:
SugarCRM: Employees_c (text)
Hubspot: Number_of_employees (integer)
In this example a user the Sugar field will accept a text value like “over 500” however this would be rejected by Hubspot where the integer field only accepts numeric values resulting in an error in the Hubspot Bridge and a record that cannot sync.
Dropdown field values must match in Sugar and Hubspot: If you plan to sync a dropdown field between the systems it is important that the values in the picklists match exactly, if they do not then you may receive errors resulting in records not syncing.
As an example lets say you have an “Industry” dropdown field in both Sugar and hubspot that you plan to sync bidirectionally with values like those in the table below:
Industry (SugarCRM) | Industry (Hubspot) |
Government | Government |
Manufacturing | Manufacturing |
Agriculture | Agriculture |
Retail | Retail |
Highlighted in the table above are are some mismatches between the two dropdown type fields that would result in errors. Let's consider some of those a little closer:
Transport-Logistics: in this case the picklist values are clearly different and while these may mean the same thing they will be considered invalid by the sync and result in an error.
Non-Profit-Non Profit: While these two values look the same there is a subtle difference between the two. Again since no exact match is found in the corresponding systems picklist the record will error.
Software: Here there simply is no corresponding value for “Software” in the hubspot picklist and records with this industry value will not be able to sync to Hubspot.
Note |
One of the most common reasons for errors are due to new dropdown/picklist values being added in one system and then not added to the corresponding dropdown in the other. |
Recent Sync Runs
Sync Logs
Integration Logs
Q. When does the sync start running?