Updated to the latest Ytel International Beta v3 https://intl-beta.ytel.com/?version=latest#intro
Version 1.2.5
Added custom logic to handle Ytel's international beta program to be used
Added highlight.js to the chat window do that URLs are clickable
Version 1.2.1
Corrected issue where an error generated by the messaging platform, will properly get set in the messaging module
Version 1.2.0
Added a new field to the Phone Numbers module. The new field Ringback Phone Number is used if a person calls the SMS Number. The inbound call will be redirected to the Ringback Phone Number. If there is not a Ringback Phone Number, the default phone number setup in the configuration will be used.
Added a new field to the Messages Module that indicates whether the message has been read or unread. This field can be used in Dashlets, workflows, etc. There is also added functionality to mark the message as read/unread on both the record view and within the Chat Dashlet
SMS Messages are limited to 1,600 characters. This is enforced by the SMS Vendor. If there is an error sending a message, the message will be flagged as failed and an error will be shown.
Chat Dashlet
The red eye icon with a slash threw it indicates that the message has not yet been read.
The green eye icon without the slash indicates that the message has been read.
Clicking either eye icon, will update the Message with appropriate new status
Added a link icon will take you directly to the message so you can view the details
Corrected an issue where the details of a message will now display properly if the message has newlines
As an administrator, you can now access the Phone Number module from the Messages menu.
If a voice call were to be placed to an associated Messaging Phone Number, the call will be routed based upon these rules
If there is a Ringback Phone Number set in the Messaging Phone Number, the Ringback Phone Number will be called.
If there is not a Ringback Phone Number, the Company Phone Number in the Messaging Setup will be used, SugarCRM/#PH_SMSMessages/layout/setup
Version 1.1.8
Corrected logic so that a message can be sent from mobile
Added default layouts of mobile screens
Limited a message to 160 characters in desktop
Expanded the Chat History Dashlet to take up more of the Intelligence Pane
Automatically scroll the Chat History Dashlet to the most recent message
Added visual elements to the Chat History Dashlet so that the user can tell if a message is queued, success, or other
The Sugar Notifications will no include the inbound SMS Message and not a generic message
Version 1.1.7
Continued removing of all references to debugging
Fixed issue with Sugar 7.8 and Campaigns by adding a require_once to the view.detail.php
Version 1.1.6
Added new Dashlet for the Contacts/Leads/Prospects/Messaging Modules that shows the threaded conversation
Added a new status if an error is received when sending a message to Ytel and the person is on the DNC list or has sent a STOP message
Cleaned up JavaScript and PHP - removed debugging statements
Version 1.1.5
Updated some program files for compatibility with Sugar 7.8 and PHP 5.6
Version 1.1.4
Corrected an issue where variables needed for mass sending of messages was were missing. Added the missing variable back to Contacts, Leads, and Prospects
Version 1.1.3
Upon an inbound Message being received, we have added to the notifications. You will be notified in the upper right-hand corner.
Version 1.1.2
Added a new configuration options. On the configuration screen, the following fields are now available
Expiration Date: Is the date your license expires
Days Until License Expires: Number of days remaining before your license expires. This is calculated once per day if a SMS is sent. The number of days only gets updated if an SMS is sent
Your company phone number is required, this field is for a future function that will direct inbound phone calls to your SMS message phone numbers.
Phone Number Format: Allow you to choose from the available options to format how phone numbers will be stored in the DB and displayed on the screen.
URL - If there is a proxy or the $sugar_config['site_url'] is not correct, this is where you will enter your proxy URL; the URL should not include the /rest/…..
Enabled: Is automatically set based upon the Expirations Date
We have added the ability to use the template fields functionality on regular messages.
Version 1.1.1
Added the additional configuration options for Phone Number Format and Inbound Phone Routing
Added to the fbsg_PhoneNumbers module a new field mms_enabled. This field is not exposed to the UI. If this field is set to 1, upon creation of a message, a new option is presented which allows an MMS message to be sent
MMS Messages can only be sent by Ytel with Phone Numbers that are MMS enabled. You must contact Ytel support support@ytel.com to ask for an MMS enabled phone number.
Version 1.1.0
Compatibility with Sugar Cloud
Ability to download available Phone Numbers from Ytel, that can be used to send SMS Messages
Version 1.0.1
Licensing has been added, validation that a license is valid before sending a message
Configuration of the Environment from the Configuration Screens, all you need to know is your License Key
Version 1.0.0
Initial Release - Ability to Send and Receive SMS Messages from within SugarCRM, Details can be found at https://fayebsg.com/sugarcrm-sms-messaging/