Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Follow these steps to install the Zip package to Sugar


2. Configure Scheduled Jobs

The zip package adds 4 job routines, these need to be set up individually in the Sugar Scheduler so that they run regularly. We cover each jobs and its recommended run intervals below:

2.1. Hubspot: Add events to the Hubspot tracking table

  • From the top navigation bar choose “Create Scheduler” from the Sugar Scheduler module dropdown menu

  • Enter details of the scheduled job as below:

    • Name: Hubspot: Add events to the Hubspot tracking table

    • Status: Active

    • Job: All all syncing related contact from saved account to Hubspot tracking table

    • Interval: Every 1 mins (as often as possible)

  • Click Save

2.2. Hubspot: Sync records related to synced Target Lists


  1. Login to SugarCRM with an “admin” level user

  2. Open the Administration area and find the Developer Tools section

  3. Select the Module Loader

  4. Press the Choose File button and select the .zip file provided to you by Faye. After you have selected the file, press the Upload button.

  5. In the list of available modules to be loaded, find the item that you just uploaded. Press the Install button.

  6. You will be presented information about the End User License and Readme file. After reading the License, press the Accept option followed by pressing the Commit button.

  7. The installation may take up to 5 mins to complete, once you see the confirmation message return to the Administration area and find the System section

  8. Here choose the Repair option and on the list of repairs that loads click the Quick Repair and Rebuild option.

  9. Once the repair completes scroll to the bottom of the screen where you will see a SQL query that Sugar needs to execute.

  10. Click the Execute button to execute the script and be delivered with a “complete” message

2. Configure Scheduled Jobs

The zip package adds 4 job routines, these need to be set up individually in the Sugar Scheduler so that they run regularly. We cover each jobs and its recommended run intervals below:

2.1. Hubspot: Add events to the Hubspot tracking table

  • From the top navigation bar choose “Create Scheduler” from the Sugar Scheduler module dropdown menu

  • Enter details of the scheduled job as below:

    • Name: Hubspot: Sync records related to synced Target ListsAdd events to the Hubspot tracking table

    • Status: Active

    • Job: Mark All all records related to Prospect List to Sync to Hubspotsyncing related contact from saved account to Hubspot tracking table

    • Interval: Every 1 mins (as often as possible)

  • Click Save

2.32. Hubspot: Mass Update Sync To Hubspot FieldSync records related to synced Target Lists

  • From the top navigation bar choose “Create Scheduler” from the Sugar Scheduler module dropdown menu

  • Enter details of the scheduled job as below:

    • Name: Hubspot: Mass Update Sync To Hubspot FieldSync records related to synced Target Lists

    • Status: Active

    • Job: Mass Update Sync To Hubspot FieldMark all records related to Prospect List to Sync to Hubspot

    • Interval: Every 1 mins (as often as possible)

  • Click Save

2.43. Hubspot: Clean Old Synced Events from Tracking TableMass Update Sync To Hubspot Field

  • From the top navigation bar choose “Create Scheduler” from the Sugar Scheduler module dropdown menu

  • Enter details of the scheduled job as below:

    • Name: Hubspot: Clean Old Synced Events from Tracking TableMass Update Sync To Hubspot Field

    • Status: Active

    • Job: Clean Old Synced Tracked Events for Hubspot Integration form Hubspot Tracking Events TableMass Update Sync To Hubspot Field

    • Interval: Every 1 mins (as often as possible)

  • Click Save




The Hubspot plugin adds a number of fields to the Accounts, Contacts, Leads and Target list modules. Some of those fields are only required for storing background information for the sync however you may wish to display some of the fields on record, list or search layouts.


Consider adding the following fields to Account layouts:


Hubspot: Clean Old Synced Events from Tracking Table

  • From the top navigation bar choose “Create Scheduler” from the Sugar Scheduler module dropdown menu

  • Enter details of the scheduled job as below:

    • Name: Hubspot: Clean Old Synced Events from Tracking Table

    • Status: Active

    • Job: Clean Old Synced Tracked Events for Hubspot Integration form Hubspot Tracking Events Table

    • Interval: Every 1 mins (as often as possible)

  • Click Save

3. Add Hubspot fields to module layouts (optional)

The Hubspot plugin adds a number of fields to the Accounts, Contacts, Leads and Target list modules. Some of those fields are only required for storing background information for the sync however you may wish to display some of the fields on record, list or search layouts.


Consider adding the following fields to Account layouts:

  • Sync to Hubspot ← This field will confirm if the record has been synced with Hubspot or not. Checking the box will flag the record to be synced to Hubspot on the next sync run.


Using these buttons will check/uncheck the “Sync to Hubspot” field on all records in SugarCRM. If you only want some records to sync downstream, i.e. only “Customer” records then consider updating the field manually or via Process definitions in SugarCRM.

Synchronizing all Sugar records from Sugar to Hubspot may take a long time to complete the first time you do it and may delay new records coming back form Hubspot to Sugar until it is completed. Exactly how long will depend on how many records are marked to sync.

Integration Stats For Last 15 days


  1. Connection Settings:

    1. License Key: This key is provided by a member of the Faye team.

    2. License Information: Displays information relating to the License key you currently have listed.

    3. Hubspot API Key: This needs to be provided from the target Hubspot account that will be integrated with SugarCRM. Needed for the integration to connect to and authentication with Hubspot.

    4. SugarCRM Instance URL: The web address of the target SugarCRM instance that will be integrated with Hubspot.

    5. SugarCRM Username: Username of an admin level user in the target SugarCRM

    6. SugarCRM Password: Password of that same admin level user in the target SugarCRM

    7. Synchronization Frequency: Set here the frequency that the Hubspot bridge should attempt to synchronize for changes. We recommend every 10 or 30 mins, the option of “every minute” should be reserved for testing purposes.

    8. Last Synchronized At: Shows the date and timestamp of the time the Hubspot bridge attempted to run the synchronization.

  2. Synchronization Settings:

    1. Synchronize Accounts: Check this box if you wish to synchronise accounts (companies) between the two systems. Checking this option will provide additional selection choices:

      1. Sync Direction: Choose your sync preference for Accounts/Companies records.

        1. Bi-directional

        2. SugarCRM To Hubspot Only

        3. Hubspot To SugarCRM Only

      2. Master System:

        1. Hubspot

        2. SugarCRM

    2. Synchronize Leads and Contacts: Check this box if you wish to synchronise Leads and Contacts between the two systems. Checking this option will provide additional selection choices:

      1. Sync Direction: Choose your sync preference for Accounts/Companies records.

        1. Bi-directional

        2. SugarCRM To Hubspot Only

        3. Hubspot To SugarCRM Only

      2. Master System:

        1. Hubspot

        2. SugarCRM

      3. Sync Hubspot Contacts to Sugar: When hubspot contacts are synced to Sugar the bridge will attempt to match them to existing records in the Leads or Contacts module in Sugar depending on your selection here. If no match is found it will create a record of that type.

        1. Leads

        2. Contacts

      4. Hubspot Contact Lists: Check this if you plan to synchronize Sugar Target lists one way to Hubspot.

  3. User Settings:

    1. User Timezone: Select here your time zone preference for when looking at timestamps int he Hubspot Bridge dashboard and logs.


Changing Sync Direction: It is recommended that the sync direction for Accounts, Contacts and Leads is not changed after it has been set. This can, in some cases, result in duplicates being created in either system.

Changing Sync Hubspot Contacts to Sugar: It is recommended this selection is not changed after it has been set. This can, in some cases, result in duplicates being created in either system.



License Info Email Alert: If the Hubspot bridge detects any issue with the license key info an email will be sent to the Hubspot Bridge user alerting them.

At the bottom of the Integrations screen you’ll find the Connection Status buttons. These allow you to check the status of the connection with SugarCRM and Hubspot.


Once you are done configuring the settings in the Integrations area remember to click SAVE to apply the changes.


IMPORTANT: Saving the integration settings with the connections and synchronization settings enables will start the sync between the two systems immediately.


Once you are ready to set up your custom mapping click on the + icon to create a custom mapping



One of the most common reasons for errors are due to new dropdown/picklist values being added in one system and then not added to the corresponding dropdown in the other.




Mismatched Values Email Alert: Once a day the Hubspot bridge will check Sugar and Hubspot values in mapped dropdown fields comparing them to make sure they match. If a mismatch is identified an email alert will be sent to the Hubspot Bridge user alerting them so that they may take action.


While the Dashboard will keep you informed of sync activity at a high level the Logs area allows you to drill down to further to inspect activity of each individual sync run and the individual records the Hubspot bridge attempted to sync.


Sync cycles are shown in chronological order with breakdowns for how many records were synced in either direction and the sync status. Let's take a look at each section of the sync run info:


Image: Shows recent sync runs for a one way sync from Hubspot to SugarCRM

  • Job started at: Displays the date and time the sync cycle began

  • Steps progress: Shows the steps that the sync cycle needs to process in order to complete each sync cycle. The Steps listed here may vary depending on your integrations configuration. Completed processes are indicated with a check mark symbol.

  • Records statistics: The looking glass icon next to each entry allows you to drill into the specific Sync Log entries for the events processed in that section of the sync run. For example, if you see that 120 accounts were synced from Hubspot → Bridge → SugarCRM then you can drill in to see the individual sync logs for each of the 120 company records that were processed.

  • Importing to bridge: Shows the number of records that were imported into the Hubspot bridge to be processed.

  • Exporting from bridge: Shows the number of records the Hubspot bridge successfully exported (created or updated) in the target instance (Hubspot or Sugar)

  • Status: Displays the status of the sync run. this will indicate if it Finished, Completed with errors or is in the process of Running. An info tooltip icon may provide additional info as necessary.


  • Export all to CSV: Allows you to download a full copy of the filtered list of errors (or all errors) from the Hubspot sync logs in CSV format.

  • Search: the search box can be used with other filter options to further refine your search, try searching by:

    • Model ID: the Hubspot ID of a specific record, i.e. 7298

    • Module: a specific module, i.e. “Accounts” or “Contacts”

  • Filters: Additionally you can select one of the available filters:

    • All modules: returns all log entries

    • Only synced: returns only those entries that were confirmed to have synced

    • Only unsynced: returns only those entries have not yet synced

    • Only failed: returns only those entries that failed to sync after various attempts


  • ID: unique ID of the sync log entry within the Hubspot Bridge

  • Direction: shows the intended direction of the specific sync log entry to Sugar or to Hubspot

  • Module: SugarCRM module associated with the sync log entry, i.e. Accounts, Contacts, Leads

  • Model ID: Unique id of the Hubspot record associated to the sync log entry

  • Synced: Status of the sync entry, i.e. Synced, Not synced

  • Number of tries: Displays the number of times the Hubspot Bridge has attempted to sync the record

  • Created at: Timestamp of when the hubspot bridge received the record for processing

  • Updated at: Timestamp of when the hubspot bridge last processed the sync request for that record

  • Errors: Displays details of why the sync event could not conclude

Integration Logs

The integration logs go deeper again than the individual sync log, these provide additional info that relate ore to the general functioning of the Hubspot Bridge itself and the processes it runs internally to authenticate with Hubspot and Sugar and start and stop internal processes.



Keep in mind that Sync Log entries are created for each record that is imported to the bridge so when looking at the sync logs you may see “not synced” entries for records that were imported but have not yet been processed (exported) to the other system.

Integration Logs

The integration logs go deeper again than the individual sync log, these provide greater detail on the steps the Hubspot bridge is executing, be that the synchronization of individual records, authenticating with Hubspot and Sugar and/or the starting and stopping of internal processes.


Where errors exposed in the sync logs are unclear it may be useful to review the integration logs for further detail. The integration logs might also be referred to if there are issues with the general function of the integration not specific to individual records.


  • SugarCRM: Hubspot integration plugin installed to SugarCRM

  • Hubspot Bridge:

    • License Key set

    • Hubspot API key set

    • Sugar authentication details set

Q. What version of the Bridge I am using?

A. Once logged into the Hubspot Bridge it should be possible to see the version number at the bottom of any page.

Q. I don’t see the “Integration” option in the Hubspot Bridge menu?

A. Only super admins currently have access to the Integrations area within the Hubspot bridge, it is possible you are accessing the bridge with a regular user. If you need to check or make changes to your Integration config please contact the FayeBSG support team at

Q. How can I change our Integration configuration?

A. Only super admins currently have access to the Integrations area within the Hubspot bridge. If you need to check or make changes to your Integration config please contact the FayeBSG support team at

Q. How can I sync Opportunities between Hubspot and SugarCRM?


    • Hubspot API key set

    • Sugar authentication details set

Q. What version of the Bridge I am using?

A. Once logged into the Hubspot Bridge it should be possible to see the version number at the bottom of any page.

Q. I don’t see the “Integration” option in the Hubspot Bridge menu?

A. Only super admins currently have access to the Integrations area within the Hubspot bridge, it is possible you are accessing the bridge with a regular user. If you need to check or make changes to your Integration config please contact the FayeBSG support team at

Q. How can I change our Integration configuration?

A. Only super admins currently have access to the Integrations area within the Hubspot bridge. If you need to check or make changes to your Integration config please contact the FayeBSG support team at

Q. How can I sync Opportunities between Hubspot and SugarCRM?

A. The Sugar-Hubspot integration only supports the synchronisation of Accounts, Leads, Contacts and Target lists. Synchronising other records may be possible with customisation of the Hubspot bridge, please contact your Faye Account executive or if you are interested in a estimate for custom work.

Q. I’m seeing “Parent account not found” errors when syncing Contacts, what does that mean?

A. When syncing a new Contact from Sugar to Hubspot information including the Contacts related Account name is passed. If you get this error it is likely because the contacts related account does not exist in Hubspot for some reason, i.e.

  • The corresponding Company record may have been deleted in Hubspot

  • The Contacts Account may have attempted to sync to Hubspot but failed to create there due to some error.

Example scenario: Elon Musk of Tesla

  • Tesla account was marked to sync but failed to create in HS because of a field mapping error.

  • Elon Musk was also marked to sync so it tried to sync him after the account, when it did no company record was found for Tesla and a “Parent not found” error returned.

Q. An account is not syncing because of a “domain: "[unset]" is an invalid domain” error

A. When synchronising Sugar Account records to Hubspot the website value is passed to the Companies “domain” field. Unlike the website field in Sugar that will accept almost any text string the domain field in Hubspot expects well formatted values. In this case a “domain is invalid” error is returned because the website value being passed includes some invalid formatting on the end “[unset]".

In this example if the Sugar records website value is corrected to then it should synchronize fine the next time it tries.

Q. What happens if I delete a synced record in Hubspot?

A. The integration does not sync deletions of records so deleting a record in Hubspot will not cause the corresponding record in Sugar to be deleted however it may provoke some changes in previously paired Sugar record.

When a record is synced and paired between sugar and hubspot the Sugar record will have its “Sync to Hubspot” field checked and will also have a “hubspot ID” value for the paired record in Hubspot. If that hubspot record is deleted then the next time the Sugar record attempts to sync it will not be able to find the paired record, should this happen the Sugar records “Sync to hubspot” field will be automatically unchecked and the “Hubspot ID” value reset to null. Effectively this will prevent the record from attempting to sync again unless it is later checked to sync again.

Q. What happens if I delete a synced record in Sugar?

A. The integration does not sync deletions of records so deleting a record in SugarCRM will not cause the corresponding record in Hubspot to be deleted however it may provoke some changes in previously paired Hubspot record.

When a record is synced and paired between sugar and hubspot the Hubspot record’s “SugarCRM ID” property will contain the ID value of its paired Sugar record. If that sugar record is deleted then the next time the Hubspot record attempts to sync it will not be able to find the paired record. Should this happen the the Hubspot records “Sugar ID” value will be updated to the value of DELETED and will be ignored for future sync cycles so that the record is not recreated in Sugar.